Frequently Asked
Questions Concerning Control Line Hardware

Q. How long have you been designing control line parts?
A. I have been modeling for 27 years and designing control line
hardware for about fifteen years. Many of the ideas that I
incorporate are ideas that other modelers send my way. There
is no other event that I can think of that has a higher
ratio of talented people than the control line aerobatic
Q. Why are your Bellcranks molded instead of cut out of
sheet carbon fiber plate?
A. By constructing the bellcrank
with continuous tow the loads are in line with the fibers.
Carbon fiber is stronger under tension than any other
direction. When a part such as a carbon fiber bellcrank is
cut out of sheet stock the strength is dependant on the peel
strength between the short fibers in each lamination. The
peel strength is the weakest direction on a lamination.
Q. Why are your landing gear molded instead of laminated
out of carbon cloth?
A. The carbon fiber landing gears are
constructed out of unidirectional tow to produce a cross
section that is stiffer (slight airfoil or teardrop shape)
than a flat plate. We add carbon cloth at the axle point to
add extra strength but having the fibers oriented chord wise
for the entire gear length adds weight without adding
rigidity. It takes longer to produce a gear with a matched
mold but we feel the effort is rewarded with a superior
carbon fiber landing gear.
Q. Are those leadout terminations strong enough?
A. Yes, the
leadout cable is swaged with a tool that is designed
for that purpose. The cable, feral and swage are matched to
provide a termination that will exceed the breaking
strength of the cable, which is 185#